Eid -Al- Fitr Prayer

Assalamu Alaikum Brothers & Sisters,

Ramadan Mubarak, Eid -Al- Fitr Prayer will be conducted at 8.00am sharp on either Wednesday 6 or Thursday 7 July 2016 (Depending on the sighting of the moon) at the following NZMA branches:

  • Avondale Islamic Centre, 122-126, Blockhouse Bay Rd, Avondale
  • Berkenhead Islamic Centre, 79, Onewa Rd, Northcote, Northshore
  • Ponsonby Mosque, 17 Vermont Street, Ponsonby
  • West Auckland Mosque, 31-33 Armada Drive, Ranui

In-sha Allah. All welcome.

If you need to leave early, please park your vehicles outside the car park or side street, but respect the road rules.

Wishing you a joyous and peaceful festival. Eid Mubarak.


NZMA Committee.