Buy a Mussalah Project West Auckland Masjid has a shortfall of $1.0M towards its new extension project which will triple in size and Insha Allah cater for the growing Muslim community. Currently, they have...
NZMA will distribute your Zakat and Fitrana prior to Eid to the needy in NZ and overseas. Bank: BNZ Bank Bank Account Number: 02-0176-0213886-05 Reference: Zakat or Fitra NZMA Zakat & Fitrana is managed centrally and...
Dear Brothers & Sisters, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Jazakallahu khairan to all those Brothers and sisters who have contributed towards the Fiji Cyclone Appeal. We have now filled the 40ft container clothes, medical supplies,...
Renovation of the Avondale Islamic Center, ladies entrance hall/meeting room has commenced repairs on the damage caused by a recent fire and will hopefully have this area completed before the end of Ramadan 2015. We...