Aroha is the main ingredient for Cohesive societies to thrive, our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern took the lead to creating a culture that would change the way we look, act, behave and feel for each other in New Zealand. This extraordinary gesture of our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave us Aroha (Love, Pity, feeling concern, Sympathy, Compassion, and Empathy & Integrity). She set in place firm directions for all government & local bodies, with a clear message of what the new culture of all New Zealanders should adhear to and abide. No ifs no buts. Her quote to the nation “They are us”.
This is Leadership with Action. Get this, she not only got her political party members but all members of parliament to go to Christchurch with her, sending a clear message of unity to the nation. Her message to the President of USA, offer sympathy and love for all Muslim Communities.
The Holy Quran states with verses expressing freedom of worship and strongly condemns any form of hate speech, racism or inciting of violence. let us take the onus to educate ourselves about other people and their cultures. Let not the lack of knowledge negatively frame our thoughts and opinions about each other. In moving forward let us look beyond the stereotypes of robes and beards, scarves and veils, suits and ties, dreadlocks and tattoos and let humanity bring us together. If we cannot be brothers and sister in faith then let us at least be brothers & sisters in Humanity, (Imam Shaakir, Avondale Islamic Centre). Prime Minister, Jacida Ardem has also made waves to stop hate speech on Social media platforms like Facebook and Utube.
The main ingredients to build strong cohesive societies are:
1. Strong, open-minded, fair and empathathetic leadership of the nation
2. Genuine love and compassionate leadership of the nation
3. Unquestionable integrity (unafraid to say what you mean-unbowing) leadership
4. Leadership with Action (Do what you promise) for the nation
If these above can be achieved by the leaders of the nation, cohesive societies will prosper. A clear example, talking to refugees and new migrants from Muslim backgrounds now feel more safe, with a sense of value, recognition and feel inclusive in NZ than before the Christchurch incident. This government is putting extra funding to create societies that can contribute towards the nations GDP and the people feel proud to be able to uplift their families at the same time. A win-win outcome.
The Christchurch incident has opened doors, opened minds, brought about love for all people in NZ and this love needs to be harnessed to bring about cohesive and caring societies in the world. The Muslim leadership needs to lead by example as well, as was done in NZ. We, (NZMA) has already had strong connections with interfaith, police and other agencies. Hence, we were able to reach out faster because of these relationships.
At recent International conference on Cohesive Societies in Singapore, 19-21 June 2019. Singapore supported 10 different ethnicities by giving them its own identity to build its own churches, temples, mosques, synagogues or community halls with funding, under two conditions. Each community must learn about the other 9 religions and is required to organise two projects a year engaging and integrating with all the other ethnic communities with documentation and photo proof. This ensured these 10 religious communities worked in harmony and collectively to understand each other’s differences, producing cohesive societies in Singapore.
We firmly believe having the leader of the nation that practices Aroha (Love, Pity, feeling concern, Sympathy, Compassion, and Empathy & Integrity) and Kia Kaha (Stay Strong) is absolutely essential to building strong cohesive societies.
Aroha and Kia Kaha.
Omar Fahmy
Assistant Secretary, New Zealand Muslim Association Inc.