Superintendent, Richard Chambers, Inspector Rakesh Naidoo and Jacqui Whittaker from the New Zealand Police met the regular worshippers of the Avondale Islamic Centre (AIC) and the President of New Zealand Muslim Association (NZMA), Ikhlaq Kashkari on Saturday 21 November 2015 to discuss any concerns of the community and assured them of the support of the law.
It was a very informative meeting with ways in in which the community was directed how to seek assistance from the NZ police. Superintendent, Richard Chambers showcased a few incidents of how the community can work proactively to work in harmony with other community by using tools like the website, Neighbourly and also re-assured AIC was doing a good job with the events like “Prayer for Peace” and the Community open day held earlier this year.
The community thanked the Police for the security provided to AIC and its worshippers and encouraged to keep up the good work. The meet and greet was aimed at meeting the expectations of the regular worshippers and management of the Avondale Islamic Centre.
Our guests from the Police were invited to a shared green tea with dates and samosas and Kasawa chips afterwards.